Know First, Know Fast!




IdentitySure scales across a multitude of industries that individuals and businesses must interact with in the course of conducting everyday affairs.  Here is a sampling:


Financial Institutions, Credit Bureaus

When it be your bank, an investment company holding your 401k, or working with a lender for a new mortgage, your personal financial information needs to be controlled in a way that it is contained for a transaction at hand.  Especially in a large finance firm, your information is archived in central databases and shared with other departments of that company for purposes beyond the transaction you intended the information be used. IdentitySure makes sure this information cannot be further proliferated  without alerting you first.

Physicians, Hospitals, Clinics, Insurance Companies

Information about family medical history, ailments you have previously been diagnosed with, and what medications you currently take is not every health practitioner’s business.  Selectively determine what topics regarding your medical records you’d like to share and what other components you want kept secret. Additionally, what you share with one doctor, may not be what you share with another even if they are in the same specialty area.



Transportation, Hospitality

From sharing your identity information with the TSA for faster access through airport lines to providing profile information on yourself for a hotel rewards program, providing your personal information with respect to travel is just as sensitive as financial and medical information.  Your itinerary, preferences for what shared ride service you use and more can tell bad actors patterns in where you will be and what personal or business activities you do.

Law Firms, Businesses

Sharing of privilege information between attorneys and their staffs or disseminating evidence and legal briefs to courts without inference and interception  is critical to preserving the sanctity of cases. Businesses serving consumers in the private or public sector can protect against hacks or misuse or theft of data or infomation which can assure the survival of the company in the event of an attack.



Social Networking, Internet-based Services

From finding old friends on Facebook, to using dating sites where you have never met the other person before, to making a major purchase with a vendor line that is not a household name, uncertainty is abound on the internet.  


Electronic payment is increasingly becoming popular. Given that some payment services are now more than just collecting money from you, rather offering payment plans, converting one form of payment into another and more, you need to know how your information is being used and in what ways.
